ktenzer Malibu native, mountain biker, hiker, outdoor enthusiast

Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

Of course the iconic California Poppy pictured above is known all over the world but what isn’t so well know is the tremendous wild flower diversity, especially in the santa monica mountains. The best time for seeing wildflowers is spring, specifically mid February through April with March being the best month. Many people don’t realize the vast amount of wild flowers that bloom and transformation that occurs every spring, turning golden hills, green with flowers everywhere.

Here I have photographed the wild flowers that are common in this area and found on backbone trails hikes.

California Fucshia California Fucshia

Bull Thistle Bull Thistle

Bush Poppy Bush Poppy

Canyon Sunflower Canyon Sunflower

Chaparrel Nightdhade Chaparrel Nightshade

California Prickly Phlox California Prickly Phlox

Cost Indian Paintbrush Coast Indian Paintbrush

Giant Coreopis Giant Coreopis

Grape Soda Lupine Grape Soda Lupine

Heartleaf Keckiella Heartleaf Keckiella

Hummingbird Sage Hummingbird Sage

Mission Prickly Pear MIssion Prickly Pear

Monkey Flower Monkey Flower

Morning Glory Morning Glory

Purple Sage Purple Sage

Spanish Broom Spanish Broom

Sunflower Sunflower

Two Tone Everlasting Tow Tone Everlasting

Black Mustard Black Mustard

Bermuda Buttercup Bermuda Buttercup

Silver Lupine Silver Lupine


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