ktenzer Malibu native, mountain biker, hiker, outdoor enthusiast

Mash Movie

Mash Movie

Trail Map

Located in malibu creek state park this hike takes you back to the glory days of hollywood. Countless movies and TV series were filmed in the park such as planet of the apes, the original tarzan and of course mash. This hike starts at grasslands trailhead on mullholland hwy where it meets malibu canyon. You can park on the side of the road on mullholland hwy.

This is a very easy hike which is mostly flat. It is an out and back. Once on the trail you will get to a small hill that heads to the right. At the top of the hill 10 minutes from trailhead the trail will fork, take the middle trail which goes down into the main park area. You should see the beuatiful malibu creek in front of you. As you go down look to your right at a truly awe inspiring california oak. The hillside to the left on the other side of the creek is where planet of the apes was filmed by the rocky areas. California Oak in Fall

Califnornia Oak in Spring

Once you reach the bottom you will join Crags road, go to your right. After another 10-15 minutes you will reach the main area and another fork, continue on Crags rd to your right which will go up a small incline. After another 10-15 minutes you will reach century dam. Century Dam from above

At the top of the incline you will see a small path going to your left which goes down to century dam. This is a great spot for a quick snack and to admire the tranqulity. Century Dam from below

Continue down the path which after 5 minutes will meet up with crags road. Conitnue down crags road and in about 20 minutes you will need to cross the malibu creek. There is a large log that you need to balance across. It is possible to fall into the creek (don’t worry it is shallow) but bring a towel and some extra socks. After crossing the creek you are almost there, it should be another 20 minutes to the mash site.

The first vehicle is a replica which was recently added.

A little further is the main area. There are picnic benches and of course an original mash jeep as well as a medic. Mash Original Medic

Mash Original Medic

If you go during spring you will see lots of California poppy’s and other wild flowers blooming everywhere. Califnornia Poppy

On your way back once passed century dam and down the incline go straight. This will take you to the park visitor center. This property used to be owned by paramont studios and was used for lodging as well as entertaining. Even Mariyln Monroe stayed there so it is definitely worth checking out! Malibu Creek

Activity: Hiking
Duration: 3 hours
Difficulty: Easy
Bring: Hiking boots, towel, extra socks, water and snacks

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